Chapter 28

Rob folded his arms under his head on the towel. “Well then. What ‘exciting’ activities do you suggest we do?”

“We can all get matching tattoos,” quipped Jack.

Anya wrinkled her nose. “Human tattoos don’t look right. Shifting warps them.”

“Matching nose piercings, then.”

“You know piercings don’t take, either. They’ll be gone by the next time we shift.”

“Exactly,” Jack said. “They’re only temporary, so why not?”

“Even if it’s temporary, I don’t want to match anything with you.”

“That’s not what you said last winter when we all wore matching sweaters at New Year’s,” Jack snickered. He’d opened one eye to peer over at Anya.

“Ugh.” Anya pressed her lips together in distaste. “That was because I lost a bet to Kayla, not because I wanted to.”

“You know better than to make a bet with Kayla,” Jack pointed out. “Deep down, you must have wanted to wear the sweater, or else you’d never have taken the bet.”