Once steadied, Jack screwed his face into a pout. “You spilled all my vodka. Rude.”
“Maybe you’ve had enough,” Rob snapped.
Jack’s face darkened, and Rob immediately regretted his outburst. “You don’t tell me what to do,” Jack snarled. “I do what I want. Been on my own for a long time. Don’t need you.”
The words stung, but Rob focused on keeping Jack upright. “I know you don’t need me,” he said in a shaky voice, “but you’ve got me for now.”
“Yeah,” Jack whispered. “For now.” He twisted to look over the railing. “You know what I need?I needthat fucking glass. And I’m gonna go get it!”
Before Rob could digest his words, Jack moved to dive off the balcony headfirst into the sand and rocks a story and a half below.
A scream strangled to silence in Rob’s throat as he reached out to wrap his arms around Jack and wrestle him to the ground. Jack flailed and kicked, resisting the containment. Rob hissed in pain as Jack’s elbow collided sharply with his ribs.