Chapter 45

“Bodie’s jealous because he’s known me a lot longer than you have. He can read me a hell of a lot better than I would like.” He took a deep breath. “All I can say is, if I was in Bodie’s shoes, and you were mine, and I saw him having the same thoughts about you that I’ve been…I would’ve tied you to the bed to make sure you didn’t go anywhere with him.”

Gage took a step closer. Then another. “What thoughts?”

“The same thoughts I’ve always had. The ones that keep me awake at night because I can’t stop seeing you in my head. The ones that make me take on stupid bets because it kills me that I had this same chance Bodie has and I blew it.” Once the confessions started, he couldn’t get them to stop. “I couldn’t even risk getting a single room here, because I didn’t trust myself to keep my hands off you. Those kinds of thoughts.”

Another tentative step toward Christopher. Now, their knees almost touched. “I was disappointed you got a separate room.”