Chapter 32

“Jimmy said that a few days after we were bonded, a woman came to see him, you, and your dad, and that you really didn’t like the woman at all. After that, your dad and Jimmy couldn’t remember details of the meeting when we were bonded. Maybe this is the same woman? A pyrahni who can take away memories, or suppress them, is a lot rarer than the ones who manipulate memories like Jah’lar did to me. So, the odds would be high it’s the same woman.”

Todd snorted and pushed back from the table. “Damn ballsy bitch. Why is she here now and why announce to us she and I had met? That just calls unwanted attention.”

“Maybe she doesn’t care?” Nick suggested. “Did you see or feel anything when she touched you?”

“Yeah, creeped out.”

While Nick knew Todd’s statement was meant to be flippant, at the same time, it wasn’t. Not very many things or people rattled Nick’s master enough that Todd would think about, let alone make mention of, how he felt.