After pushing his hips far enough down Nick’s body, Todd wiggled his ass so Nick’s penis rested between his cheeks and rocked side to side. The sensations of warmth encased Nick, sending jolts of pleasure through him, making his abs clench and his cock leak.
“No moving,” Todd growled, making Nick’s heart race and sparks shoot along his spine. “Where’d you stash the oil?”
“You said not to unpack.” Nick struggled to get the words out in the right order.
Todd straightened far enough to look down at Nick.
“You pick the oddest times to listen to people.”
Nick’s response was a wicked grin and a buck of his hips. “Improvise.”
Inching down, Todd licked, then raked his teeth over Nick’s skin. He pulled one of Nick’s tender nipples into his mouth, sucking on it for a few seconds before he nipped and teased. Todd’s legs clamped Nick’s thighs together, not allowing him to move his hips more than a fraction of an inch.