“Beauchamp, do you know if my aunts and uncle have been informed about Granddad?”
He nodded and looked sad. Well, in that case, there was no need for me to contact them.
“We’re leaving now.”
“Very good, Mr. Kipp. Will you be back for dinner? I’ll make a rack of lamb.” He knew that was my favorite, and no one made it like him.
“Yes, I think so,” he said absently. He was reading one of the emails.
“We usually dine at eight. Will that be all right?” I didn’t know if he had anything planned and would need to eat either earlier or later.
“That’s fine, Kipp. Beauchamp, do you have copies of these?”
“Of course, sir.”
“All right, I’ll take these with me. Armitage is going to need to see them and plan who sits where.”
“Very good, sir. One moment, Mr. Kipp. I think you might feel more comfortable going out in…er…public with this.” He handed me one of Granddad’s sports coats, and I realized I was still wearing the What I need are minionsT-shirt.