Chapter 82

I could hardly breathe, and I began shivering uncontrollably as my world crashed down around me. I couldn’t marry him now. He’d hate me…

“Marcus, are you sure this is a smart idea?” Mr. Alden asked urgently.

“That’s the only kind of idea I have.”

“Honestly? I fail to understand why you felt the need to share this information with us.” Mr. Stuart’s words were musing. “Wouldn’t it have been safer to keep this to yourself?”

Yes, he’s right. Why would Sir do this?

“It will be nice to have my genius admired while I’m still alive to enjoy it.” That made no sense at all. “In addition, I want the three of you to keep an eye on Wyndham and the boy whenever they’re in town. I can’t be everywhere, after all.”

“Marcus, are you all right?” Mr. Stuart sounded concerned, genuinely concerned, not as if he was pretending so he could get on Sir’s good side.

“Of course I am.”

“Your eyes look…Never mind. I still think this doesn’t make sense.”