Chapter 47

“No, no. You did the right thing. This will now be on record, and if anything else happens, it will help. But I gotta tell you—we’re a small force, and we don’t see much crime up here, but we’ll keep an eye on things for you, okay? We can certainly swing by now and then, see if we see anything suspicious. And you just give us a call if anything else happens. Meantime, make sure you lock your doors. You living alone in this big place?”


“Then you might want to invest in one of those security systems. Usually we don’t have much call for them up here, but with you out here all on your own, it might not be a bad idea.”

Hunter felt defeated. “Well, thanks for coming out.”

Officer Morgan touched Hunter’s shoulder. “Don’t feel bad…or like you overreacted. Someone could have very well been in your house, but my money would be on some of the boys from town who have too much time and not enough sense. Try not to worry. If it was them, they’re harmless.”