Chapter 54

He continued to make a circuit of the room. Pine floors, worn braided rugs, chocolate velvet couch, and a wooden rocker made the place feel lived-in and homey. Here were Michael’s fleece-lined slippers, lying on the floor before the couch. There was an open issue of The Atlanticon the coffee table. A small kitchenette occupied another wall. There was no table, just a breakfast bar and two stools. In a nook that was probably meant for dining, Michael had set up a home office with computer, printer, and telephone. There was no TV, but Hunter noted he did have quite an elaborate stereo system and lots of CDs, most of them classical or popular jazz.

Gee, a man after my own heart…

“Be out in a sec!” Michael called from the other room.

Hunter wandered back over to the desk and looked down at the monitor. A Microsoft Word document filled the screen. Hunter glanced back at the bedroom door and read a little of what was before him.