Chapter 95

Hunter sunk back against his pillows. A week? With Beaumont House burned to the ground, as John had said, where would he go? Even if it was still standing, Hunter was resolved that he would never return to the place. He shivered, hoping whatever lived in Beaumont House lived no longer

He picked up a spoon and began eating his oatmeal.

* * * *

Michael returned in the afternoon, and one of the first things Hunter wanted was to look in a mirror.

“Are you sure?”

His worried expression made Hunter wonder if he looked like some sort of monster. It also made his desire to see his own reflection that much more intense. “Yes, I’m sure. Can you get me a mirror…or at least help me out of bed here?” Hunter raised up on his elbows and swung his legs toward the edge of the bed.

“Just hang on there. Stay put. I’ll get you your damn mirror.” Michael shook his head, grinning, and hurried from the room. He was back in a minute or two with a small hand mirror.