Then, it charged again, battering aside the knights. Yaliana struggled feebly to free herself, but to no avail. Her saber had been stuck in the side of the creature, but it had jostled loose and fallen, leaving her without it. Her arm was wedged between two massive teeth, and she couldn’t reach her rifle.
The creature kept running, dragging Yaliana with it. Yaliana didn’t know how far, or in which direction. Yelling didn’t seem to have any effect on the creature. Eventually, it slowed to a jog, then a walk. Finally, after who knew how long, it dropped her on the ground. It snuffled at her body, its tough, bone-hard nose scraping on her armour.
Yaliana slowly reached for her energy rifle, careful not to let her movements startle the creature. The animal took her leg into its mouth and bit down. It didn’t do much the first time, but it bit down again, harder. Through some sort of luck, it bit right on the crease of Yaliana’s knee, and the armour creaked, then caved in.