
Chapter 25

All Yaliana would think was why? Why had he done this terrible thing to them, and what did he gain from it? He had all the money and power anyone could want. What type of cruel man would do this to them?

She reeled from the shock, then her mind centered on one thought—Ulissa was in danger.

She couldn’t rest passively anymore. She had to find Ulissa, and if possible, rescue her. But that would be possible only if she made a plan. She didn’t have much time to do so—she had only until morning to escape with Ulissa—so she had to think quickly.

What could she do? She was injured, even if her wound was no longer infected. Guards posted outside her door prevented her from leaving that way, which left only the window.

Ulissa’s room, probably also under guard, was on the other side of the compound, and located at the top of a tower. Like a real princess.