
Chapter 27

She had her chance now. If she could just make it through the battle without anyone noticing, then possibly she could get into the tower.

Her distraction gave the pterodactyl an opening, and it charged again, stabbing at her chest with its beak. Yaliana fell once more, huffing in surprise. The beak left a dent in the armour, and the pterodactyl prepared to stab her again. She yelled and parried its beak, then crawled backwards and managed to stand.

The knights around her were faring little better against such a large contingent of pterodactyls. Usually, it took two or three knights to kill one.

She readied her weapon, gave a battle cry, and charged the creature. It screeched in answer, and they joined in fierce combat. For every parry of her sword, for every stab and slash, the creature waited and struck back.