Chapter 58

“Well, unlike Brenda, I won’t keep you, just wanted to welcome you to the family and hope we’ll get to meet you soon.”

Rory swallowed again. “Thank you, sir,” he croaked past a lump in his throat.

“It’s Bill. Sir was my dad.”

“Yes, s—Bill, and thank you.”

“You’re welcome, son. And make sure Zane does what I told him and gets that deathtrap of a truck of his towed to a junkyard.”

It was Rory’s turn to nod silently. Bill had called him ‘son.’ He couldn’t remember his own father calling him that, not in a kind way at least.

* * * *

After the phone call from Zane’s parents, Rory texted Barry, explaining their plight and apologizing that they probably wouldn’t be back at the ranch for a couple more days at least.