“Sorry.” Zane kissed Rory’s ear. “Just wanted to tell you I like how you read, how you make it sound…real.”
Rory smiled, pleased he was able to share the joy of reading with his man. Many times in his life his only escape had been through books.
He continued, “Pretty soon Jim says: ‘Say, who is you? Whar is you? Dog my cats ef I didn’ hear sumf’n. Well, I know what I’s gwyne to do: I’s gwyne to set down here and listen tell I hears it agin.’ So he set down on the ground betwixt me and Tom.”
Zane fidgeted.
Rory stopped reading and turned his head to regard Zane. “You okay?”
Rory could tell something was bothering him. “I can read something else if you want. This one is a bit…old-fashioned in the words it uses.”
“It’s not what I thought it was,” Zane admitted, lowering his head and pressing his face to Rory’s shoulder.
“Want me to read something else?” he asked again. Please say yes,he added silently.
“You mind?” came the muffled response.