Chapter 29

Perhaps Code Caden had purposely led me to the cabin in the nearby woods. Had the afterlife reached out to me and guided me astray? Was there a significant reason why he had appeared at the edge of the pond and painted, drawing my attention? Did he always have it in his afterlife plans to steer me towards the cabin and…

The naked body of Matty Lavender lay sprawled over the battered floor of the upstairs. Found. Discovered. Revealed to me. No longer missing.

* * * *

I bolted back to the inn and immediately called Takis. Rushed, sounding out of breath, I told him, “Body…in the cabin…in the woods. Matty Lavender is there. I just saw him and…”

Takis calmed me. “Slow down. Check yourself. Tell me what you know. Tell me how and when you found Lavender.”

I told him everything I knew, keeping calm.