Chapter 38

No new messages.

A knock on the door.

Trevor was up and across the room before Rita, whose room they were in, moved a finger. He threw open the door (without a moment’s hesitation about how weird this would look if it wasn’tChase on the other side), and grinned at his (adorably) dishevelled boyfriend.

“Hey!” Chase said as Trevor let him inside. “Sorry I’m late. The study session ran long, and then when I got back to my room I saw all these urgent messages from Evan, who was flipping out because of a fight with Rick, so I had to talk him down because everyone else was on like a camping trip or something, which was what had started the fight.” With an exhausted sigh, Chase flopped in the bean bag chair—their friends had started always leaving a single seat open for him, although it wasn’t always the classiest.