Chapter 29

For the first time since waking, the gravity of what happened at the inn had the chance to really settle. It sat heavy and uncomfortable on Travis’s chest. No matter how quickly it happened, Travis thought he’d lost Niko for good. The pain of such a thing was just indescribable. Something, in that one, unbearable moment, had reached into his chest and squeezed all the love and hope and cheer right out of his heart.

Travis never really gave thought to how loving someone so much could affect him. It was frightening, really. To have so much to lose. Frightening and wonderful at the same time.

“Niko, I…” Eyes on the cup in his lap, the glands in his throat swelled painfully tight. The lukewarm coffee tried to give him encouragement. Travis was grateful for its attempt. “You were…you…”

“Hey, hey.” Niko slipped a hand under Travis’s chin, coaxing his gaze upward again. “I’m okay. Really.”