It was quick work. His companion stayed exactly where he was the entire time, which was a small blessing in and of itself. That shit had to do damage, Zeke guessed from the state of Haziel. The wings were the part Zeke was afraid to free. They looked delicate to him, no stronger than a dove’s. When Haziel looked at him with those miserable bottle-green eyes, Zeke went for it and inched the sword along the precious ivory curve of feathers.
The goo splattered on the angel’s right wing and beaded right off of them without any effort. He shifted to the other and almost groaned with dismay. One of the pieces of the web had wedged into the scant space between Haziel’s shoulder blade and the top where wing blended into spine. To even get to it, he had to cut away the rest of the web first. “Hold still, okay?”