Chapter 39

“Thank you. And thanks for telling me yourself.”

Now that he’d gotten the news off his chest, Jimmy noticeably relaxed. “Where do you think you might go?”

Vincent shrugged. “I’ve been hearing a lot about those European vacations. You know, visit the old country, see all the sights, that sort of thing.” Europe seemed like it would be far enough away. It would certainly cut down on the temptation to make surprise appearances in LA.

“Just as long as I know where to find you. Kate’ll kill me if I don’t invite you to the wedding when it happens. Hell, I’m not so sure David wouldn’t, either.”

“I’ll be back for the wedding.” Once he spoke the words, they were an ironclad oath. One he hoped he didn’t regret making. “Even if it’s just for the chance to dance with the bride.”

Jimmy toyed with a pen. “I’m planning on letting Kate know tonight in private, so you can have the rest of the night off after the show. If you could just not say anything before then…”