Chapter 40

“In Hollywood? No, he’ll be fine. He’ll get himself a nice new mansion to go along with his new wife, and he probably won’t attract any more attention than any other starlet’s husband.”

Any other time, the news about Kate’s upcoming marriage would’ve been enough to distract him, but it was nothing compared to the prospect of life in California without Vince. “A vacation means you’ll only be gone for a few weeks, though, right?”

“No. It means I’m going to lay low somewhere until they call me and tell me they need me. Here, or Chicago, or New York. I’m going to catch a flight out on Sunday morning.”

Sunday was only five days away. Five days before Vince left for good. Five days until David’s life went back to the way it had been before, when all he had was his music and the knowledge that something deep down had to be seriously wrong with him.