Chapter 4

“Do they have soap and towels?” Mick asked Shorty, thinking he’d need them when he showered.

“Yeah. In the shower room; and the towels are clean.”

They were, if on the small side and well-used. While Shorty watched his things, Mick went into a stall, stripped, setting his clothes on the floor outside the stall, and washed up. The water was tepid but he didn’t care. At least he was clean and dry by the time he stepped out, holding the towel in front of him.

While Shorty was showering, Mick took a pair of jeans and one of the T-shirts from his pack, dressing quickly. The shirt and jeans he’d been wearing were too blood-stained to keep, so he tossed them in the trash just as Shorty reappeared. He smelled a good deal better now that he was cleaned up, much to Mick’s relief. He’d refrained from saying so, but Shorty had had a definite aroma of unwashed body. There was still a trace of it, as his clothes needed laundering, but compared to before, he was almost aromatic in a good way.