“I don’t have any kind of card. You know that. It was probably in my wallet, which is gone. If I did, I’d know my last name.”
“True, that.” Shorty peered at the photo. “You can probably eliminate him anyway. Look at his nose. It hasn’t been broken.”
Mick did, muttering, “How did I miss that?”
“You were too eager, because of the resemblance, and it’s not the greatest picture to start with.”
Mick murmured, “Probably,” as he picked up a pencil and a pad lying by the computer. “I’m going to write down the addresses of all the men here in Denver and check them out. Loman could have moved after he got his license.”
“Not going to fly to Cleveland to check A. W. out?”
“Shorty, get real,” Mick replied before he saw the smirk on his friend’s face. He copied down the addresses then turned off the computer. “We made enough today to get some real food, so let’s.”