“No, and yes. My guess is you’re trying to deal with an awkward situation without upsetting me.”
“Awkward, huh?”
“You know it is,” Mick said. “A week ago we were lovers, sharing the house and our lives with no worries other than what to fix for supper or what movie to go to. Now, we’re strangers trying to figure out how to move forward in our personal life, or if we even want to.”
“I know Ido,” Richard replied quietly. “It would be better if you could remember everything, but if you can’t, maybe we can pretend we’ve just met, are attracted to each other, and take it from there.” He looked hopefully at Mick, who remained silent. “Okay, bad idea I guess.”
“I disagree. Even though in a lot of ways you’re still a stranger to me, I’ve learned a great deal about you in the last day and a half. Things that make me understand why I fell for you.” He smiled at Richard’s discomfort. “Don’t worry; I’m not going to spend the next twenty minutes enumerating them.”