“I can tell,” Richard replied with a smile. “But are you here?” He put his hand on the bare skin of Mick’s chest, over his heart.
Mick swallowed hard, Richard’s touch sending his pulse racing. He looked at him and saw love and desire in his expression. “Yes,” he whispered.
Richard’s response was to kiss him gently. Again, as it had earlier, the kiss deepened as they opened to each other, tongues dancing together.
When it ended, Mick caressed Richard’s cheek before making better use of his hands to remove his lover’s shirt. We are lovers. We were, and we still are. The attraction is so strong between us. He moved his hands down to unzip Richard’s slacks and ease them and his briefs over his hips. When his cock sprang free, Mick stroked it slowly, loving the softness over the hardness beneath the skin.