Chapter 33

“Who’s Celeste?” Shorty asked when Mick put the phone back on the base.

“Trenton’s wife.”

“So your brother isinvolved in this whatever this is?”

“I…” Mick shook his head. “I don’t think so.” He recalled his brother’s reaction when he’d given him a modified version of the ‘mugging’. “Sure, he seemed relieved I didn’t remember my attacker, but he’s no fool. If he wasn’tinvolved but was afraid it wasn’t a random mugging, he knew I would figure he was behind it if I had remembered who attacked me. Make sense?”

“Does,” Shorty replied. “Not sure you’re right, but it’s logical.”

“I’m not sure I’m right, either, but I hope I am. He ismy brother. I hate the idea he could be involved in something like drugs or blackmail. Celeste, on the other hand…”

Shorty shot him an amused look. “Not your favorite person?”

“Quite honestly, I have no idea. But since I’m not too surprised it is her, I’d say not.”

“Now we wait for a phone call?”