Chapter 34

“Maybe in the one guy’s car?” Shorty replied. “He’d want to be sure she wasn’t giving him cut-up newspaper instead of cash before he handed them over, so he stashed them there.”

Richard nodded. “Without them, there’s nothing she can do. Who knows, maybe she tells them to dump you somewhere and make it look like someone hit you too hard during a mugging. She would have wanted you dead because she didn’t know if you saw her and the other guy, and with you out of the picture, it would have bought her time to cover her tracks.”

“It all fits together,” Mick replied. He glanced at Shorty. “You were right. We needed his insight.”

Richard arched an eyebrow. “I’m glad you have that much faith in my cognitive abilities, Shorty.”

“If you mean I know you’re smart, yeah, I do. Three minds and all that.”

“Uh-huh.” Richard rolled his eyes. “Okay, if we’re right, and I’m guessing we are, we have to prove she was behind everything.”

Mick frowned. “Why didn’t she come back to get the box?”