And then it hit him. Where Colin was trying to go, what he tried to point to, what he needed Dexter to do for him.
“Carry this guy with me everywhere,” Colin said to him the first time he came over and showed him his inhaler. “Got an EpiPen in the kitchen for real bad ones.”
Later on, at another time, he told him exactly how it worked. EpiPen first, 911 second.
“Gotta get me breathing if you wanna get me to the hospital, jerk.”
“Okay. Okay, okay,” Dexter muttered, placing Colin down on the couch and racing into the kitchen. “Hang on, baby, I’m coming.”
Most everything was cluttered in Colin’s place and that included the kitchen. What it didn’t include was the one thing Dexter needed right now. Colin kept his EpiPen in the one open slot of his silverware caddy, cause he didn’t care where his teaspoons went. Or so he said.
Dexter ran back over with it. Colin’s eyes were closed now, and Dexter scooped him back into his arms.