
Chapter 63

Was he still dreaming? Was this really happening?

What would he find waiting for him when he emerged from the bathroom? He looked around the room, wishing there was a way to escape, but there was nothing. Even if the marble-tiled walls had a window, he was more than twenty stories up. What would he do? Jump? He was trapped, and he supposed he should begin getting himself ready for the day ahead. The prospect did not fill him with any sexual excitement, only with dread. He lifted the little amber plastic bottle of Viagra and stared at it, wishing he could figure a way out of this. He shook his head, filled a glass with water, and downed one of the pills. He hoped this would be the only drug he would be offered today. His only recourse, he thought, would be to get the filming over as quickly as possible. To knuckle down and look at it as a one-day job, nothing more.

Tomorrow he would be free.