Chapter 26

Regardless, Ryan did not want this conversation to happen out in the open where anybody might come strolling through. He’d given Johnny his word, and no amount of bullying from Rachel was going to push him into going back on it.

“Come on.” Without looking back, he marched toward the service door that would lead him behind the ballroom where he could both wait for Johnny to come out and hash this out with Rachel without drawing undue attention.

In the sallow lighting of the back hall, Rachel cast a single glance at the ballroom door before leaning against the wall opposite. “Looks like they got the electrics fixed.”


“Tick tock.”

“You think I don’t know that?”

“So what’re you going to do about it?”

Every word out of her mouth frustrated him more. “I came to you, didn’t I? Can’t you do a séance or something? Talk to the ghosts, find out what they want.”