Chapter 23

“Chip, why the fuckdid you go back there when it was made clear not to do so?” It was the first time Topher was angry with me, and I probably deserved it.

“It killed me to know that we couldn’t be together because of our parents getting married next year.” I swallowed a gulp. “And, well, I kind of just, I wanted to know more about the situation and drove back to the cabin to talk to Alf.”

Topher gave me a stunned face and shook his head. “Wow,” he muttered. “You didn’t even trust my mom enough to drop it, huh?”

How could I argue with that? He was right. I felt like something had been off, but at the same time, I’d been selfish with thoughts of this news breaking apart Dad and Alessandra.

“Let me ask you this. Did you want our parents to break up all along? Was that at least a part of why you drove back there?”