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Chapter 30

“Look,” I said. “Are there any more questions? I’ll like to check upon how Anatole’s doing at the hospital, okay?”

The cop with the notepad tapped it with his pencil, then nodded. Both cops rose to their feet and I saw them to the door. The second cop turned on the doorstep.

“We’ll be back if someone decides to charge you.”

I started, but stood my ground and merely nodded.

* * * *

I was relieved when the hospital emergency person was willing to give me information on Anatole’s state over the phone, since I had identified myself as a friend. I had kind of thought that one needed to be family to be told that kind of information. But apparently that was no longer the case.

And I was heartened with what he told me. Evidently there was no sign of a heart attack or stroke. Though they couldn’t rule out a minor stroke, they believed it had been the fall, hitting his head on the table that had knocked him out. They were going to keep him under observation for a day or two.