Chapter 19

“Seems our friend Benning has made the local news on several occasions.”

Nick looked up from the book he was reading. “Doing what?”

“Donations to a hospital, buying school supplies, and loaning money to farmers and fishermen nearby interest free.” Todd put down the paper and looked up, meeting his mate’s eyes.


Todd shook his head. “I don’t know. Covering his trail? Gathering allies? Whatever it is, I’m betting it’s not out of the goodness of his heart. Did you find anything?”

“There’s a church in town with sacrosanct oil.” Nick held up a small book.

Folding the newspaper and stacking it with the others, Todd sighed. “Great. Just the way I love to spend an afternoon, breaking into a church.”

“We left the monk robes at home,” Nick pointed out. “Repentant gambler it is.”