Chapter 36

Nick opened his eyes, gulped down one more breath, shut the thought of not seeing Todd again out of his mind, and ran.

It was less than three minutes before Nick was charging through the door of their stateroom. Nick listed off under his breath, “Sacrosanct oil, matches, bottle of magnetized iron shavings,” and he picked up one of the books with exorcisms in it and discarded it almost immediately. There was no time to memorize all the various exorcisms, and he had no way of knowing which would work, anyway. He did take his knives from their weapon trunk. Nick felt more confident having them. They might be useless against a demon, but they were more than adequate when dealing with humans, pyrahni, and rope.

He pulled his jacket on and tucked everything into the pockets except the knives. Those he sheathed, strapping one to his ankle and the other under his jacket on his belt. Nick stood in the middle of the main room of their suite, looking around and concentrating.