Chapter 66

He heard Heidi speaking. She sounded far away, and her words were distorted. “Take care of him. I’ll go after the girl.”

“Nick!” Todd turned Nick to face him and gave Nick a rough shake. “Nicky!”

Nick blinked and focused on Todd. “W-what…?” He pulled his gaze away from Todd and looked around the room. “What happened?” The entire area was shrouded in a murky haze.

Todd slipped one arm around Nick’s waist and tugged him in close before turning and steering him toward the entrance. “Not here. C’mon.”

They made their way to the door. The farther they got from where Clarke was, the more Nick’s head cleared. When they reached the door, Nick turned and looked over the room. “Where’d she go?” He grabbed Todd’s arm. “We have to find her, that girl. She’s….”

“I know. Jah’lar. Nicky, he used the girl and got to Clarke.” Todd let go of Nick and sagged back against the wall beside the door. “The bastard never even had to get close to Clarke and killed him just the same.”