Dear Mr. Haggerty,
I’m very sorry you had a problem with your…should I call him your boyfriend? I don’t know what people your age call their significant others. Sorry. He tapped his pen against his teeth. Did he want to add a smiling emoji? Sure, why not? ?
I’m glad to hear you’re going to try to contact Rick again, and I hope it works out for you.
I got your wishes for a happy Goof Off Day; thanks so much! And in return, may I wish you a very happy Smoke and Mirrors Day? LOL (that means laugh out loud.)
Yours sincerely,
He addressed the envelope and put a stamp on it. He’d drop it off at the post office on his way to class in the morning.
Meanwhile, if he intended to meet his friends at Easy Street, their favorite tavern, he’d better get going. 6
As soon as Ben dropped the card in the mail slot at the post office, he knew he’d screwed up. Jason had thought Ben was missing his lady, and he’d gone and outed himself.