Chapter 17

Not even bothering about dinner, he went to Heart’s Greeting, and although it was a little early in the year, he found a card and some stickers he thought would drive his point across.

Then he went home, placed the card and the stickers on his desk, and prepared dinner—Stouffer’s macaroni & cheese—all the while thinking about what he would say. 7

Jason’s ass was really dragging when he let himself into his house. It had been the world’s suckiest day, and all he wanted was dinner and a Pepsi. It was a good thing he’d done his weekly grocery shopping the day before and picked up some already prepared meals. He’d have stuffed peppers tonight and…

Shit. He’d forgotten to bring in the mail. He went back to the door, unlocked the mailbox, and removed the only piece of mail in it—a card.