Chapter 18

“Wait a minute, wait a minute!” Ben had to scramble to write it down. “This looks familiar.”

“It does? I mean, sure it does! I gave it to you only a few months ago.”

“How are you able to remember it?”

“Computer geeks can do stuff like that.”

“If you say so.”

“And I do.”

“Okay. But you’re sure this is the right address?”

“Ben, I’m cut to the quick. Of course it is.”

“And you’re positive?”

“I am. Am I not the head of this lab?”

That was right, Fred was a smart man. And he was a good man. He wouldn’t screw with Ben.

“Look, I’d love to chat, Ben, but I’ve got to get home for dinner.”

“Okay.” He knew Fred and his wife well enough to know they preferred late dinners, but he couldn’t blame Fred for the little white lie. Not only was his wife cute, but she was a nice person, too. “Thank you.”


Ben grinned and disconnected the call. Fred was probably going home for a little before-dinner-delight.