“I’m not smart, but I remember what a three in the upper corner means.” He’d actually heard one of the radio personalities on the station his mom listened to introduce the Paul McCartney/Michael Jackson song “Say, Say, Say” as “Say Cubed”, and he’d been curious enough to look it up.
“Stop putting yourself down, Ben.” Jason scowled at him.
“Sorry.” He’d never understand why Jason wanted him. Rick was smart, but Jason’s IQ was way beyond Rick’s.
“Read the card.”
Dear Ben,
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
This Christmas will be the best
Because I’m with you!
And here’s to the first of many Decorate Your Christmas Tree Days together.
Ben felt himself tear up. Jason had crossed out the Y in “Your,” making it “Our” and had drawn a little kissy face after “together.”
“So. Where’s my card?”
“You’re so sure I have a card for you?”
“Well, that’s what started it all.” Jason suddenly looked uncertain. “It’s okay if you don’t—”