Chapter 54

“About that—you’ve said they’re all in one place right?” Harry says, tapping at his keyboard as he speaks.

“Yes.” Dustin looks curious.

“Well, I was thinking. He needs a way to get all those women from one place to another. Ronan, you said he had a car with a trunk, but that couldn’t move up to eleven women around at one time,” Harry says.

“That’s a good point,” Ronan says with a groan.

“So I was thinking of looking into rentals of large vehicles, trucks and stuff, to see if anyone’s been traveling to all the states we have missing women from.” Harry grins.

“Great thinking, maybe look into motor homes too. And any abandoned or stolen cars in the cities women went missing. They’ve already been looked into, but it can’t hurt to look again.”

“It’s quite smart, then?” Rick asks.

“From what I’ve read, it’s as smart as most humans,” Lisa answers.

“Smart and strong, with a taste for female blood and spinal fluid.” Alan pulls a face like he’s grossed out by the demon.