Chapter 5

Daniel kept his eyes sealed on the laptop. “Remember how I used to dream of a storm? It’s back,” he said. Sury dropped a book on the desk in front of him. Startled at her stealthy approach, Daniel’s eyes snapped to her.

“Paulo,” she muttered. Pointing at Daniel, she added in a low voice. “You are not falling back in with that Italian bastard.”

Daniel sighed, and wondered silently if he should have kept this part to himself. “Of course, I won’t,” he said, bending toward the laptop with a sudden immoveable interest in the search results. Sury eased her hand over the laptop and leaned close to Daniel.

“He stole your research.”

“Yes, I know, Sury,” he said, not looking up.

“He isolated you from everyone you know.”

“Sury, I am well aware,” Daniel replied.

“He cheated on you…repeatedly.”

Daniel rose and met her level gaze. Taking a step back, he straightened to tower over his cousin. “I remember, Sury. I was there,” he said in a low voice. “And I have no intention of seeing him.”