Karden lay still for a moment more, before he maneuvered himself from Daniel so he could reach into his pocket and fish out an oversized coin.
“Kar, I was kidding,” Daniel said, but Karden was shaking his head.
“I know, Dany,” he said, shifting so he could see Daniel’s face. Lifting the coin above them he said, “This is what I used to think made me lucky.”
Daniel looked at the faded eagle on the back of what looked to be an ordinary dollar coin.
“I figured out I was pretty lucky around the time I turned twelve, thirteen,” he said, the silver coin danced through his fingers in an expert pattern. “You can only hear the phrase ‘What are the odds?’ so many times before even a teenager gets the hint.”
Kar expertly flipped the coin into the air and caught it with one hand. “I thought it was because I’d found a casino’s commemorative coin on the street. I told my pop, who asked to see it. He slipped it into this little pouch and gave it back to me.