As the cool metal fell into Daniel’s palm, a look of confusion crossed his face. “Think it will bring me luck?” he asked.
Shaking his head, Kar said, “Nah, you are your own luck, Dany. But it might remind you to steer clear of Dr. Cashmere Sweater.” He reached for Sury and slipped his arm through hers. “Come on, Princess Fujoshi, I’ll let you pick out a place where I can take Dany on a date that doesn’t end in thugs or flooded studios.”
A distinct giggle escaped Sury’s lips as the two departed. Daniel shook his head.
Jazz wrapped her arms around Daniel, engulfing him in a hug. “Thanks for the clean-up, baby doll,” she said, adding with a whisper. “I like that one. Make him treat you right, okay?”
Daniel nodded shyly. Even after knowing him for him only a few days, Daniel had little doubt Kaden would know how to treat someone right. His hope that the someonewould be him mingled with the wonder why his trust in Karden came so easily.