Chapter 16

Your food is getting cold,I said.

“Why, Daddy?” he asked plaintively. It came out sounding like “ai dah eeeeee?” He had spent countless hours in speech class just to learn those three sounds, which he could only approximate but not yet master. He spent many evenings with a straw stuck in his tongue trying to figure out the “S” sound.

I don’t know.


I’m sorry.

She thinks I’m dumb.

No, she doesn’t.

She thinks I’m dumb because I’m deaf.

That’s not true.

She doesn’t want to be friends with a stupid dummy.

Don’t call yourself that!

I’m a big stupid deaf dummy.

Stop it!

I hate her!

No you don’t.

She thinks I’m stupid! She wouldn’t hate me if I wasn’t deaf. Why do I have to be deaf? It’s not fair!

Stop it!

I hate her!

I stopped answering. I only shook my head and offered him a look that showed how much his words upset me.

“Haaahhhhhhhhh,” he moaned, tears springing suddenly to his eyes. He got up from the table and ran to his room. “Aaaaahhhhh!”