“You’re being a very naughty girl, aren’t you, darling?” I asked. “I may have to call security and have you arrested.”
She laughed.
“Did you bring your FoodWorld card?” I asked.
“I never leave home without it,” she said proudly.
“Well, let’s get you sorted out,” I said, taking her card and returning to my side of the register.
This particular lady was rather evil, always complained it was too cold, and always made a fuss about payment, which was invariably a check that required two minutes to extract from the depths of her humongous purse.
It all screamed: I want attention!
“How you doing today?” I asked as I ran her purchases through the scanner.
“It’s so cold in here,” she complained. “Especially on that frozen food aisle. I didn’t think to bring my coat.”
“Did you find everything you need?”
“And more. I always do.”
“I do the same,” I agreed.
Any idiot can run items through a scanner, which is, I suspect, one of the reasons they hired me.