Gordy looked at Leo and he looked at Gordy.
“We haveto,” Leo said.
“Oh, my God, yes, we have to,” Gordy said right back.
They blended with the families as they stood in line, but they weren’t the only adults who were there for their own personal enjoyment. A little old woman became almost toddler-like when she walked into the pen, arms stuck out to each side, every step straight-legged, and her mouth in a fixed Othat matched both eyes. Three teenagers entered and spent the time squealing with as much delight as the children did, even Mr. Too Cool to be Cool in his long-sleeved, pin-striped, probably-wool jacket that had the young man sweating through it. By the time Leo and Gordy made it through the line to be let into the pen, Leo was pleased with his choice to wear just a T-shirt. It had managed to get surprisingly warm in that weird way that May can suddenly decide to do, and the goats that immediately swarmed them didn’t help with that.