Chapter 40

His heart felt sick, remembering.

“When are we stopping for the night?”

“Not now,” Janna answered. “We need to get to Sabriea quickly so she can decide your fate. You’re very lucky she gave explicit directions to keep you alive and unharmed. Wach wanted to tear you apart when we caught you. Running from us all these years was pointless.”

“Please,” Frye said. “Markle needs to eat. He’s exhausted. Even just a little bit of water would help him now.”


They stopped at sundown. Markle sleepily climbed from the wagon and Frye got him situated on the ground while Wach summoned a fire on a stack of collected logs. Varner tended a large slab of ham as it cooked over the open flames. The smell of it made Frye’s stomach rumble. They hadn’t eaten anything since last night.