It was the afternoon of their third day before Markle and Frye finally had a chance to be somewhat alone.
Janna, Wach, and Varner had gone into the nearby town to buy supplies, leaving Suun to watch over them. She was obviously bored with the task, fidgeting in the seat across from them.
Frye spoke up into the silence. “Can Markle and I lay out in the sun? He’s still looking pale.”
Markle felt beyond weak. The food provided wasn’t enough, and hunger cramped his stomach even in his sleep.
Suun glared at Frye. “No. You two are going to sit right there until Janna comes back.”
Frye sighed, but nodded.
Then, surprisingly, Suun stood up. “I think I’ll take your advice. The two of you can’t cause problems if you’re locked in here.”
She climbed from the coach and shut the door behind her.
They were alone.