“Definitely. I can’t remember the last time I had Beefy King.”
“There’s somethings that haven’t changed. Orlando’s changed a lot since the last time you lived here, you know. We even have a Trader Joe’s in Winter Park.”
“Yes, and just like Cali, there’s a Starbucks in almost every other block or so.”
“We’re also getting a second Cheesecake Factory. That was just in the paper. And you know what else is still here?”
“Kaden Morris. He moved back to Orlando from Atlanta. Now that you’re single maybe you should see what’s up.”
At the sound of Kaden’s name, David stopped, and put the phone close to his heart, hoping that Quinn wasn’t around, or within earshot. He breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Quinn’s footsteps above him.
He took the phone off his chest, then wagged his finger at Sarah. “I haven’t told Quinn,” he whispered.
“About what?”
“That our divorce is final.”
“Why not?”