Chapter 4

How weird now, he also thought. Kaden Morris here in the same part of town. Again. After all these years.2

Quinn held on to David’s hand as they walked a few blocks to the community pool. “We’re not getting a pool?”

“No, we don’t have that big a backyard. Besides, this way you can meet other kids.”

“Okay, but you promised to take me to the water parks, right?”

“Yes, we will. Once we get all moved in, we’ll check out the water parks before school starts.

Quinn smiled, showing his missing bottom tooth. When they arrived at the pool, it seemed like David had stepped back in time. The community pool had been there since the 60s. But now there was evidence that it had undergone some changes. There was an added pool lift for the mobility-challenged on one end, and the exterior of building had been repainted.

But it was the same pool his own Grampy and Grammy took him to when they babysat David at Quinn’s age.

He had good memories and bad memories at this pool.